Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Target Audience.

My music magazine will be targeted at music lovers around Great Britain, my magazine will reach out to a chilled out yet an indie rock loving audience as my music magazine will surround the topic of the art of music and how music can build you as a person instead of just the music itself. My music magazine will reach out to a passionate audience, an audience that both look beyond the words sung, too the instruments being played beautifully yet also feel the capturing words being sung by our loved musicians. My music magazine will highlight and capture the simplistic beauty which music holds. I believe the audience of my magazine listen to music that they can use as a soundtrack to their own lives, music sung by musicians and artists that may not be well known for their fame, but are well known for the music they make. The audience for my music magazine will be musicians themselves looking for upcoming musicians to inspire them and allow them to read about the journey which they have taken to get where they are in the music world. I feel that my audience will mostly consist of acoustic guitar players, ukulele players and any folk instruments. I believe that all kinds of young rock bands will be interested in my music magazine as well.  Due to this, I feel that the audience of my magazine are late teens and young adults that aspire to be well known musicians as either solo artists or in a band. I feel that the gender of my audience will be nice and mixed but I believe that a lot of the younger audience will be female as they are looking to be inspired. I also feel that my magazine will reach out to people in their twenties into their thirties yet also maybe men and women in their forties. My audience won’t need to be highly educated to be able to read my magazine but will need to have a strong passion for music and instruments to be able to read and enjoy it. 

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